Timo Ahjotuli is a contemporary artist, and he works on sculptures and, his own concept, mural sculptures. Ahjotuli has a background in woodwork and manufacturing instruments and has been a very hands-on kind of person from early on. The pieces of Ahjotuli explore the deeper existential yearnings that people might experience in their everyday lives. Ahjotuli embraces the melancholy during these moments and processes them into works of art. Visually Ahjotuli is attracted to sleek, efficient, and geometrical shapes of technology.
“This piece is called “Still Trapped in the Mazes you Designed”. For me, the shape and form of a piece come first, and the thoughts and ideas related to it become concrete only during the creative process. The constant development of society is generally thought of as something positive, but I am not sure if this is really the case. Humans come up with ever more complex ways to communicate with each other, even when the bases of communication have been very simple. As the current situation eases up, we are still lost in the mazes we have designed on our own.”
IG: @ahjotuli