Kati Leskinen
Kati Leskinen is an artist and a student of art education from Vantaa, and for the past four years, Leskinen has exhibited all over Finland. One can find elements of street art, graphic novels, and primary art in her work, like the Inca’s early art. Along with ink painting, Leskinen has found plants and their pigments to use in her art.
“Violets symbolize failure in life and working life. At my first summer job, I was 16 years old and tended violets, among other things, at a gardening section. An older “colleague” spread rumors of me and bullied me – the best day of that summer was the ending of that job.
Three summers ago at a cabin, I started pressing violets on paper, and I got lovely pigment out of them. Ever since I have experimented on pressing different color violets on various papers. The process itself is slow. Pressing violets takes at least a day, but to new flower to bloom takes a week – which is a very long time to wait when you have an urge to do. I guess this is my way of processing things that have happened.”
Instagram: @katileskine