Taneli Stenberg
Taneli Stenberg is a visual artist from Helsinki. He works mainly in the mediums of oil paint and large-scale mural. Stenberg’s style could be described as contemporary magical realism, with elements of graffiti and street art. His pieces are timeless, always with philosophical meanings in the background.
“The idea for the piece came to my mind when I first saw the three walls. I didn’t give too much thought to it, and I just started painting a free sketch. During the painting, I could think more carefully about the multifaceted aspects of the idea, and then the thought flies freely between different things. I knew what kind of paints were at the warehouse since I painted an outdoor mural at Kera last summer. I wanted to use the same color tones and add this piece to the same series. Growth and evolving are the themes of the work.
At Keran Hallit works a company that grows sprouts, and there’s urban farming during summertime. So maybe these things made the heads sprout. This kind of sprouting is needed at the Hallit, where people are trying to find other types of usage and ideas for the spaces. Kera-kollektiivi’s Concreate 2021 was a great event, and it was pleasant to work in its permissive atmosphere and perhaps even grow.”
Instagram: @dandysteele